I used to read books. I liked reading books. I have alot of books on my shelves that I have read. But since my illness I haven’t read a single book. I have tried a number of times. I can still read but the concentration just isn’t there anymore. I suppose this just another thing that I can’t do anymore. I used to read magazines but now I just flick through the pages and just look at the pictures. It is not worth buying them anymore. Instead now I listen to books which is much easier and helps me keep my mind off things I might not want to think about. Especially on the evil bus. I have found though that I can only listen to books that I have previously read. It is a concentration problem again. If my concentration goes, I still know what is happening in the story I am listening to. Audio books are expensive though. I would usually by second hand books. Audio books can be over £10. Luckily there was a sale after Christmas so I should be good for a while. Listening to books is a really good method if you are having problems getting to sleep. Like the bus listening to a book stops you thinking of all the bad things.

4 thoughts on “Read or listen

  1. Check with your local library and any charities for visually impaired people for audio books on loan.
    And if you have a screen reader all the classics are free as ebooks.


      1. Yes, I have joined Audible. Thanks for the suggestion about borrowing the audio books. I looked into it and my local library do lend them. I never would of thought of doing this – and I do work in a library! Thanks xx


  2. Thanks for the information. I don’t really have any visual problems it is just a problem with concentration. The audio books are good as I choose ones I have read already so I know what is going on if i loose concentration. I could see if the library loan audio books as it is a good idea. I have quite a few already that I brought in the Black Friday sale last year! At the moment I am working my was through the Harry Potter series xx


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